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Horsesmouth Essential: What’s Working Now: This advisor says find a niche topic, learn it well, and start presenting in front of local organizations. Before long, you will find people stopping you on the streets to say they have some questions for you.
Horsesmouth Essential: What’s Working Now: As advisors, we have poured blood, sweat, and tears into our businesses, and sometimes that leads us to fear giving up control. But don’t be afraid to start training your replacement. Your team’s increased responsibility can afford you time to focus more on clients and prospects. It’s the key to growth, success, and excellent client service.
What's Working Now: This advisor expanded his network from around 200 people to almost 2,500 by joining networking groups and nonprofits to increase his impact in the community.
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The AI-Powered Financial Advisor
Begins September 26, 2024
ClientQuest Social Security
Begins October 30, 2024