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Horsesmouth Essential: What’s Working Now: This advisor found a niche that differentiates her from other advisors and also lets her help individuals in need—all while growing her business.
Horsesmouth Essential: What’s Working Now: This former Texas high school football coach is still recognized for his Friday Night Lights exploits. But now he’s traded the x’s and o’s for dollars and cents. And it’s the clients who are getting the clear eyes and full hearts.
What’s Working Now: This advisor left a big firm to follow her desire to work in her niche and has been having great success since. This is how she did it.
What's Working Now: A faith in the future and grasp of the big picture let this advisor easily ride out market volatility. For him, success means always asking clients, "How can I help?" The activities that follow make meaningful days. And the money naturally follows.
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The Discovery Meeting Workshop: Transform Your Discovery Process
September 18–19, 2024
The AI-Powered Financial Advisor
Begins September 26, 2024