Rich Niche Header

Dear Advisor,

Fifteen years ago two advisors completed the same training program. They were very much alike, these two young bucks—same Big 10 biz school, same great people skills, same deep interest in investments.

Back in their home states, both hit the phones with enthusiasm, and landed their first big accounts. Soon, they both got CFPs, followed by CIMAs.

In time, seminars followed. More clients came on board. The markets keep rising. Everyone made money, and life seemed good.

Today, when we check in on both advisors, here's what we see: Our first advisor arrives at his office early, after dropping off his vintage 1964 Porsche 911 at the detailer. (He and his wife will compete this weekend in the Porsche Club of America's annual road rally—a friendly competition that actually includes three of his clients, too. They will all have a blast.)

The office is already humming with activity. Jennifer, his client service manager, hands him a phone message from a top client, a CEO of a closely-held robotics design firm recently acquired by a Shanghai manufacturing conglomerate…

(The CEO wants our advisor to meet with two key people on his management team—recently minted multi-millionaires.)

As he settles into his leather chair, a call comes in from another top client.

Yes, he'll join our advisor and his wife for dinner out tonight, following the opening of the Jasper Johns exhibit at the art museum.

(That makes a cozy dozen for dinner, including two museum board members, a second client, and a major donor who also happens to have just funded his own charitable foundation—a $25 million portfolio that needs a manager.)

About 150 miles away, our second advisor flips on the lights at his office to find his desk cluttered with statements, phone messages and newspapers from yesterday.

On his seat he finds an ACAT left by his assistant the night before. The third this month.

He picks up a folder to review the RSVPs for tonight's seminar. Three new names, bringing the total to seven—not bad. If three become new clients, that'll make up for the account transfers.

He sighs and shakes his head, thinking about his client list of 674 accounts, two-thirds of whom he has not contacted in at least 18 months.

A post-it note reminds him to write a check for the new client newsletter campaign.

When that's mailed, the letter will give him cover to start calling again—if he has time. Once they're back in the fold, he'll finally start that referral campaign.

The phone rings and our advisor takes a call from the son-in-law of a top client, an elderly widow with a $3.5 million portfolio.

Sonny is “reviewing” the account and keeps driving on one question: What value is his mother-in-law getting for the $32,000 in management fees she pays each year?

What Sets Them Apart?
The N-Factor

The answer is simple. Our first advisor pursues a niche strategy. (Actually, he works a couple of them.)

Early on in the business, he followed the advice of a friendly senior advisor and top producer in his office, finding a niche that interested him and had strong business opportunities.

He started attending the monthly meetings of his state's Technology Council at the nearby public-private research center at the state university.

He joined the council and became active on the “meetings committee,” helping arrange for speakers. Once people realized his interests were “long term” and not just looking for the next hot stock, he became a welcomed insider.

He specializes in working with management and C-level technology executives in fast growing segments, some biotech, some robotics, and a lot of b-to-b software companies.

Now in his eighth year with the group, he's the organization's volunteer treasurer. He traces 83 of his 110 client accounts to his work through the council.

Pursuing this niche gave our advisor the focus, discipline and motivation to grow his book, increase his minimums, leverage his service and product offerings, and build a community of likeminded clients who are fun, interesting and happy to refer friends and colleagues.

His business is booming.

Our second advisor says he'd like to pursue a niche… But it hasn't happened yet.

He's not sure how to do it.

He's worried he won't pick a good niche. He thinks specializing means losing good, new prospects and existing clients.

He's crippled by indecision and weighed down by a variety of MYTHS and false ideas about pursuing a niche strategy.

I Couldn't Believe My Eyes

Our two advisors are on vastly different career paths.

One is building year-over-year successes to ever higher levels of wealth, enjoyment and career fulfillment.

The other is busy, extremely busy, always in search of the next marketing tactic to find a new prospect, and always running behind trying to service his current clients…

We conducted a major prospecting survey of financial advisors from all across America.

"It's the biggest missed prospecting opportunity in America today, and I'd like to show you how to turn this favorable situation into more wealthy clients, higher production and greater profitability for your financial advisory practice." —Sean Bailey, Editor-in-Chief, Horsesmouth

I was shocked by the results.

More than 2,100 advisors were involved and they covered the complete, diverse spectrum of professionals in this business—all the different business models, lengths of service, levels of production, geographic locations, etc.

We asked them about their prospecting strategy—whether they pursued a niche strategy or not—and then we asked them a lot of questions about their businesses.

When I got the tallied results from our research team, I couldn't believe my eyes.

I told our Columbia University-trained statistician to go back and look at the data again.

I wanted complete assurance that the results were correct.

But the data weren't lying.

When we tallied the survey results, we learned that those with a niche strategy enjoy a wide range of benefits over their generalist competitors, including:

  • Better and wealthier clients
  • Higher production
  • More AUM
  • Easier access to prospects
  • Faster growth rates
  • More referrals
  • Easier closings
  • Enhanced reputation and status.

And those advisors weren't just seasoned top producers.

The group included people from a wide range of years in the business, business models, and production and asset performance.

But what really got my attention was the fact that only 1 in 5 advisors (21%) definitively said they had a niche. 

Nearly all the rest faced serious problems with their prospecting.

Thirty-seven percent said they had a niche but admitted that they had trouble effectively executing that strategy—they described their niche strategy as "unfocused or inconsistent."

Another 30% of advisors said they didn't have a niche, but would like to have one if they could learn how to do it and get some guidance and coaching in executing their strategy. Only 12% said they didn't have a niche and weren't interested in that prospecting approach.

Why We Created the Rich Niche
Jumpstart Prospecting Program

Clearly, advisors want and need a fast, easy, hassle-free way to  develop a niche strategy.

That's why we've created the Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program, a  multimedia training and group coaching program to guide you through smart, effective development and execution of your niche strategy over the next year.

Here's a summary of what's included in the program:

  • Rich Niche Prospecting: 30 Days to Launch Your New Target Market Strategy (271-page, printed spiral-bound guide shipped to your address).
  • Rich Niche Prospecting Jumpstart Program Coaching Series (3-part live and on-demand webinar series)
  • Rich Niche Prospecting Jumpstart Program Guide (PDF)
  • Rich Niche Prospecting Toolkit (PDF/Downloads)
  • One-on-One Coaching With Wendi Webb (1 30-minute session)
  • The Niche Masters Interviews (PDF)
  • 39 Steps to Dominating a Wealthy Niche (PDF)

Get the Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program

Once you've completed your first 30-days of the Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program, your perception of niche markets will begin to change dramatically, as you'll have:

Some Serious Teeth

"Finally, someone has put some serious teeth to all the discussions about niche marketing. This is not another vague description of marketing theories; this is a meaty 'how to' program with thoughtful, well-designed templates that any advisor can put to use immediately."

"We used your 'draft' as the basis for our marketing meeting today and all three of us think that the sections on 'teasing the niche out of our book' and the 'hidden niche within us' will be the focus for our efforts next year."

"We also plan to use the 'fast start' section as the foundation for our new advisors training program. I think this is a turn-key program to get a new hire, whether experienced or green, up and running quickly."

—Helen Modly, CFP/ChFC

  • Researched and picked your first niche—one that works for you
  • Started meeting and interviewing niche prospects in the field, including key centers of influence
  • Completed your Fast-Start Marketing Plan designed to transition your existing marketing efforts into your new niche market and connect you with new wealthy prospects
  • Started building your knowledge and expertise within your chosen target market, the first step toward elevating your status within your new niche

We're always searching for new and better ways to help advisors like you grow your business.

That's how we arrived at some stunning insights about the power of pursuing a niche prospecting strategy in your business.

In 15 years of working closely with advisors, no one here at Horsesmouth has ever seen such a wide range of comments about the benefits of a particular prospecting strategy.

Here's what we found about niche advisors:

Three Key Benefits of Prospecting With Purpose


#1 You Enjoy Greater Financial Success

"I've Got a Net New Asset Explosion."

When you pursue a niche prospecting strategy, you rack up a variety of positive financial benefits, including:

You're more likely to achieve higher production levels than generalists: When we compared those advisors who definitively said they had a niche against all other advisors, those niche advisors did much better.

At the vaunted $1 million plus level, 62% more niche advisors crossed that production level than the rest of the survey respondents. This higher success rate of niche advisors held true at the $800,000-$1 million and the $500,000-$800,000 production levels, with niche advisors out performing all other respondents by 41% and 48% respectively.

Niche Advisors Reach Higher Production Levels 

When you pursue a niche specialty, you're more likely to have greater success gathering assets. When we examined those advisors with a definitive niche versus all other advisors and looked at assets under management, again, the niche strategy performed better.

When we looked at advisors managing $150 million or more, 49% more niche advisors achieved this asset management range than the rest of the survey group. The trend held at the $100-$149 million range and the $50-$99 million range, with greater percentages of niche advisors achieving those asset gathering marks by 13% and 10% respectively.

Niche Advisors Reach Higher AUM Levels

Your niche clients are more profitable—usually, way more profitable: More than one in two niche advisors said their niche clients were between 51% -100% more profitable than their clients who were outside the niche.

Are your niche clients more profitable compared to your general clients?

Niche Clients are More Profitable

Financial Benefits: How has a Niche Strategy Changed Your Business?

When we asked our survey respondents to jot down a few comments about the impact they've seen on their business from taking a niche approach, here's what a few said about the financial benefits:

checkmark "I've significantly increased my pay and assets under management in 18 months."
checkmark "I've increased production, prospect pipeline, business, referrals and out of office time."
checkmark "I've got a net new asset explosion."

Get the Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program

#2 Your Business Grows Faster, Easier With a Niche

"My Referrals Close 99% of the Time."

When you pursue a niche strategy, it really puts more wind in your business development sails. Survey respondents indicated that their niche approach was a significant boost along several prospecting and sales activity measures, including:

You spend less effort finding good prospects when pursuing a niche: Nearly three in four niche advisors (74%) said their prospecting was easier after adopting a niche strategy.  Their pipeline of prospects was much fuller. In fact, 23% of that group said their pipeline was always filled.

Your overall client acquisition becomes easier after starting a niche strategy: Overall, 64% of niche advisors reported that the process of adding new clients was "easier" with a niche strategy. Only 7% said it was harder.

You receive more referrals:  76% of niche advisors said they saw their referral business increase significantly after they implemented their niche strategy. And the largest majority39% said their referral business rose more than 25%.

Once you decided to work in a niche, how long did it take before you produced your first niche client?

Niche Advisors Produce First Niche Client Within 90-Days

Business Growth: How has a Niche Strategy Changed Your Business?

Here's what advisors told us about the impact of their niche strategy on the mechanics of prospecting:

"I love what I'm doing now. My niche market is people I enjoy being around and I can relate to their world.  I've removed a great deal of the stress of prospecting, and substantially increased the size of my average case."
"The quality of new clients has increased dramatically... Net result is I open fewer, larger new relationships and my average relationship assets are 20 times what they were in my peak years before my niche."
"It's a small number of my clients but a majority of our gross assets (the 80-20 rule plays out well). My referrals close 99% of the time and they come willing to listen to any and all suggestions. Client events help to build on brand as they see many people they know from the same background."
"Predictable activity. Consistent referrals. And strategic positioning."
"We have more in common—it's easier to make small talk which leads to business."

Get the Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program

#3 Your Job Is More Enjoyable and More Efficient, and Your Priorities More Clearly Defined

"I have More Time for Myself and More Fun Doing Business."

When you couple the benefits of a smooth-sailing prospecting and sales process with the reward of greater all-around financial success, it's no surprise to learn that when you pursue a niche, you also enjoy a variety of back office and intangible benefits, including:

You derive greater job satisfaction with a niche strategy: More than three-quarters of the niche advisors said they are satisfied with their business, while generalists were nearly twice as likely as niche advisors were (43% v. 23%) to say they are dissatisfied with their business.

How satisfied are you with your business? (Niche vs. generalist)

Niche Advisors are More Satisfied with Their Business

You enjoy higher closing rates: When asked how their closing rates compared before and after implementing their niche strategy, 74% said their closing rates were higher—and almost one in two (48%) of those advisors described their post-niche closing rate as "substantially" higher.

Has working in a niche helped you close more prospects?

Working in a Niche Helps Close More Prospects

You experience a sharper focus: Overwhelmingly, niche advisors in our survey reported that increased focus on their business was the key, overriding benefit they enjoyed from pursuing a targeted niche market. 33% of advisors checked "more focused" when asked to rate a variety of niche prospecting benefits. That was more than double the next closest benefits of "more business" and "more enjoyable" (both at 12%).

What's the biggest benefit of a niche strategy?

Advisors say the biggest benefit of a niche strategy is increased focus. (Conversely, most advisors with "time management" issues cite lack of focus as their biggest problem.)

Niche Advisors are More Focused

Intangible Benefits: How has a Niche Strategy Changed Your Business?

Whoever thought your marketing and prospecting strategy could play a role in your overall view of your business and life? Take a look at what advisors reveal are the intangible benefits of pursuing a niche strategy:

checkmark "Time management and preparation time are significantly improved from previously being a generalist."
"I'm more focused on the common problems of my niche. That means I can develop the ability to supply deep support for the particular niche."
checkmark "More focused. Less stress. Greater returns."
checkmark "I have more time for myself and more fun doing business."
checkmark "I have more time now to devote to existing clients and creative time to 'polish' the services we provide."
checkmark "Both we and our clients are happier—we're using our particular expertise and the clients we work with need what we do best."
checkmark "I have become more relaxed and have found fun and pride in doing business again."
checkmark "It has become more enjoyable. Clients have the same passions as I do."

So there you go. Powerful testimony to the fact that pursuing a niche specialty pays off handsomely.

Get the Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program

The Big Problem Facing Niche Advisors and Non-Niche Advisors Alike

One astounding insight revealed in our Prospecting Survey was the huge number of advisors who acknowledged that they have an "unfocused or inconsistent" niche strategy.

Nearly two in every three advisors who said they had a niche strategy chose to describe it as "unfocused or inconsistent," the very definition of a poor or non-existent niche strategy. A related finding applied to those advisors who said they didn't have a niche strategy but would like to have one. They said they were having trouble identifying a good niche.

The Advisor N-Factor

Both groups face a real problem in their prospecting strategy. It's how they describe for themselves just what a niche is… And this isn't just an issue of semantics.

Some advisors think simply identifying a certain occupation, age-group, or special interest group is sufficient for finding a legitimate target market for their prospecting strategy.

But a superficial analysis like that is dangerously close to selecting a stock or money manager because you like the name…

The 8 Characteristics That Bestow the N-Factor Advantage

A good niche market is mapped by boundaries, and clearly defined through a selection process that involves eight criteria that are absolutely mandatory in order to have a profitable niche.

Wow! Thank You!

"I had decided some time ago that I wanted to focus on divorcees, widows and divorce planning, but didn't know how to go about developing the niche. This RN program is exactly what I needed and the timing is perfect too…I have had such a good reaction this week from a CPA and an estate planning attorney when I mentioned that I specialize in working with divorcees. The attorney's eyes lit up and he said that's great as he doesn't know anyone who specializes in that and will send me the appropriate clients. Wow! Thank you."

—Doris Roper, CRB Wealth Management, San Diego

It's a good bet that if your niche isn't working for you, then one or more of these criteria is not being met. And failing to meet just one can mean your marketing never gains momentum or your expert reputation never takes off.

If you want to enjoy all the rewards of a good niche prospecting strategy, then you need to build a niche that meets all eight of the criteria below:

1) Narrowly defined. A good niche must be tightly drawn. You're looking for a cluster of people or community members who share a significant number of similar problems, behaviors and motivations. (The larger the group gets, the more diverse their problems become until you're not looking at a niche anymore.) Instead, you gain leverage and efficiencies by going narrow and deep into a small target market of several hundred or so prospects.

2) Shared culture. Your community of investors should share a variety of characteristics including common routines, schedules, lifestyles and values.

You'll want all of them to respond to your offerings in the same way so you don't have to reinvent your products, services or presentations every time you approach them. Your knowledge of their issues should grow client by client, until you have a layered, nuanced understanding of their community's culture.

3) Active communicators. Your target audience must see themselves as a community, too. It can't be just your observation. That means they share special interests that bring them together as part of a community and is the basis for them communicating and networking among themselves. The more they meet and talk with one another, the more opportunities you have to meet and talk with them.

Better yet, all this communication increases the probability of you getting talked about and referred to other community members.

4) Affordably accessible. You have to be able to reach prospects in your group. You should be able to buy lists they are on, read publications they read, visit websites they visit, attend association meetings they attend and speak at their meetings.

5) Opportunity rich. Your niche must have needs, problems and issues that are unique to them and that allow you to offer a specialized solution that will work for most of this group. Once you understand their concerns, you should be able to deliver products and services that resolve their problems in ways that other, less knowledgeable advisors can't. (Remember, though, often your solutions are usually expansions and adaptations of your existing expertise-so, again, you're not reinventing the wheel.)

6) Shared affinity. You've got to be able to connect with the folks in your niche. If you don't feel any empathy for the issues and struggles that your prospects face, it'll come across in your approach. Your efforts will fail because you'll be outed as an opportunist.

But here's the beautiful flipside. While it's difficult becoming an expert in a subject you don't like or lack passion for, when you mesh your professional expertise with some personal interest, you're bound to cross over into the zone where work no longer feels like work and clients become your friends. It's a lot easier and more fun prospecting people you enjoy meeting and being around.

7) Prospect rich. Your niche needs to be substantial both in terms of quantity and quality.

So while you just need a hundred or so prospects in your niche, they also need to be "qualified," meaning they have enough assets to hire you on an ongoing basis and socialize with other investors who have similar assets.

8) Uniquely yours. You'll enjoy the greatest success and get the most bang for your marketing buck when you are the only one in your area pursuing a certain group of prospects.

By thinking creatively, you can build a niche that is uniquely yours so that you side-step the competition. You'll become a monopoly of one, and you'll be rewarded for your insight and innovation.

Get the Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program

Three Things a Niche Is Not

A lot of advisors say they have a niche, but then complain that their referrals are the same as the day they entered the business.

Typically, they are confused about the practical, successful definition of a niche:

 #1: A niche is not a field. Often, they think that a good niche is a field like health care or aerospace (both are too broad).

#2: A niche is not a marketing tactic. Or they confuse their marketing tactics with a niche-specializing in referrals or cold calling. (There's no community or connection there among the target audience.)

 #3: A niche is not a demographic. Or they think that identifying a demographic group is enough to achieve niche status. (Classifying people by age, sex, marital status or education is one step toward creating a niche, but there's much more to it.) 

10 Prospecting Myths and Fears That
Cripple Your Earning Potential


Given the data from our Horsesmouth Prospecting Survey, it's hard to imagine why any advisor would choose not to make niche prospecting part of his business development program. There are so many positive benefits of a niche strategy. However, based on our survey, I know there are many advisors who are afraid to try niche marketing because of misconceptions and misunderstandings about exactly what it means to pursue a niche strategy and what it could do for your existing business. So let's look at these myths and see what we can do to offer a better understanding of the common advisor concerns.

Myth #1: I Don't Want to Turn Away Good Prospects
This is a very common misunderstanding among non-niche advisors—and so patently wrong. Very few advisors actually have a book of business that is made up of 100% niche clients. You can pursue a profitable niche and still accept good clients that come to you in other ways. Many successful advisors do it all the time.

Myth #2: I Might Pick the Wrong Niche
There are literally thousands of profitable niches. While picking the wrong one is an occupational hazard—like picking a wrong stock or mutual fund—you dramatically increase your chances of picking a profitable niche when you engage in a well-considered, guided analysis of your strengths, weaknesses and the opportunities and obstacles you face in your chosen niche.

Picking the right niche, as thousands of advisors have already proven, just requires doing the right research and planning on the front end.

Myth #3: I Don't Have the Knowledge or Expertise to Offer Niche Clients
As a financial advisor, you already have a core skill set that people in your chosen niche will need.

When you pursue a niche prospecting strategy, you build on your core skill set by learning about the specific needs and issues your niche prospects face and then adapt and expand your current client solutions to serve your new audience.

Prospects are impressed when they learn you've chosen to specialize in helping them. Once you've demonstrated you know about them and their needs, your actual solutions are not very much different from what you're already doing for your general clients.

Everything You Need to Pick, Develop, and Market Your Niche Expertise

"If you've ever wondered whether it makes sense to pursue a niche strategy, Horsesmouth's Rich Niche Prospecting program puts the debate to rest.

"Here's everything you need to pick, develop, and market your niche expertise. As the program's research shows, this is the best way to get in front of prospects who want to hear what you have to say. And best of all, it's the kind of business development strategy that keeps paying you dividends over time and helps you find clients you enjoy working with. This is what you need to keep qualified prospects coming through the front door."

—Katherine Vessenes, co-author of Building Your Multi-Million Dollar Practice, and Horsesmouth Contributor

Myth #4: Focusing on a Niche Means I'll Lose My Existing Clients
Pursuing niche prospects does not in any way mean you stop giving your existing generalist clients the same types of service and solutions you've always offered. As a generalist, you have many types of clients with many types of needs. When you open up a niche strategy, you only add one more type of client and deliver the same types of services and solutions to all clients in that niche. You get huge leverage by just adding a tiny bit of additional expertise to your practice.

Myth #5: My Local Market is Too Small to Support a Niche
This is a common concern among some advisors located in rural regions. However, even the smallest markets and their surrounding areas have a wide range of niches within them. Once you know how to fully analyze opportunities in your region, this concern fades away and is replaced with "How Do I Choose the Best Niche for Me?

Myth #6: I Can't Afford to Lose or Reduce Income While Pursuing a Niche
Niche practices grow at a faster rate than non-niche practices. So there's no need to lose or forego income while pursuing your niche prospecting strategy. By virtue of tightening your prospecting focus, you're actually increasing your closing rate and keeping your growth and income levels rising. Plus, you'll save money because you won't waste dollars on unproductive marketing activities. A good niche strategy helps you focus your marketing so you get the most prospects for your buck.

Myth #7: I'm Too Busy Running My Business to Pursue a Niche
The "overly busy advisor" is a common syndrome among advisors and a major cause of flat growth and stagnation. Pursuing a niche is the exact antidote you need to step off that "too busy treadmill" and become more strategic in how you run and grow your business.

Myth #8: Not Sure How to Balance With Other Marketing Efforts
A niche strategy gives you "prospecting with purpose." Too many advisors engage in wasteful, non-targeted, low-performing prospecting. Their appeal to their general audiences is by its very nature, general and generic. It doesn't strike a chord with prospects and therefore produces poor results.

When you begin your niche strategy, you'll begin to move time, energy and resources previously used for low performing prospecting into your new niche field, which will produce better results and be more profitable.

Myth #9: Fear That Other Advisors Have Already Penetrated Your Niche
You won't launch your niche strategy until you've completed a thorough analysis of your niche, which includes understanding your competition and the products, solutions and services they offer. In addition, with a well-defined niche, you sidestep a lot of the competition because you have a deeper knowledge of your niche's needs and more unique offerings—something that will fend off the competition.

Myth #10: I'm Too Inexperienced to Have a Niche
Many advisors wrongly believe they need a big existing book from years in the business before they can safely launch a niche strategy.

Having a focused prospecting approach—the definition of a niche strategy—pays immediate and long-term dividends to the niche advisor.

The immediate payoff comes in better, highly focused prospecting that produces results. The learning curve for understanding a niche audience, once surmounted, is leverage you use over and over again, building your credibility and expertise in front of the same types of profitable clients. The long-term payoff comes in the form of deep referrals that close at high rates and the cumulative, annuitized revenue earned on each and every new client over the years.

There's no doubt pursuing a niche strategy makes a real, measurable difference for financial advisors like you, both monetarily and in quality of life.

All our survey data makes that clear.

Get the Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program

It's a Prospecting Crisis of Confidence

Every day I hear from financial advisors of all stripes regarding their biggest business development challenges.

Makes Me Concentrate On Becoming an Expert

"Just a note to let you know a side benefit of your program. I went into this program knowing what my niche would be (Living a Legacy). What your program has made me do is concentrate on all the areas that I need to learn to really become the expert. The side benefit is that I don't even look at all the other garbage I used to read and study that had nothing to do with my niche. This gave me a lot more time to research the things I should be doing. Thanks."

—Barth Guilette, independent
advisor, Sturgeon Bay, WI

Hands down, getting in front of more and better prospects is the biggest challenge.

Once we looked at the results of our Prospecting Survey, two things became clear:

Huge numbers of advisors said they didn't have a niche strategy but wanted to develop one. They just didn't know how.

And another huge number of advisors said they had a niche but admitted that it was inconsistent or unfocused—the very definition of a poor or non-existent niche strategy. They needed help, too.

The total picture amounts to a crisis in prospecting strategy for many advisors like you.

Simply put, there's a major gap between what advisors want for themselves and their businesses, and how to get there.

Advisors want loyal, wealthy, like-minded clients who listen to their advice, trust their judgment and respect their expertise.

But they don't know how to get them. They don't know where to find those prospects.

They don't know how to understand that group's needs and peculiarities. They're unclear on what steps to take to break into a niche. And they lack confidence that they can add genuine value to their new target market prospects.

So we decided to make it easy for them, and you, to learn how.

How to Put the N-Factor Into Your Prospecting and Launch a Compelling Niche Strategy in Less Than 30 Days

Remember earlier when I said how mad I was about the rotten break you and your fellow advisors are getting—being blamed by some for the market's bigger woes when you are just as much a victim as the general investing public?

Well, when I got the results of our Horsesmouth Prospecting Survey and saw the data about advisors who pursued niche strategies, it all suddenly clicked.

Here was a way for advisors like you to side-step investors' skepticism, stop being a victim of mass finger pointing, and start operating on a higher level that will attract wealthy clients and grow your business.

You see, no matter what my job title is, the demands of my position here at Horsesmouth require me to be a niche marketer. You have to be to put out a successful service with a tight focus and a large following.

So I decided we needed to put together the best niche prospecting and marketing program ever created for financial advisors.

And I turned to another successful marketer on the Horsesmouth team, Wendi Webb, to develop a program that can turn things around for advisors of all ages and AUM.

Exactly What I Need

"Your questions are excellent entrees to some of the people in these niches and how I might offer solutions to some of their problems. (I need to think about their specific problems and how I can address them differently than someone else.)

"This program is exactly what I need in order to look at these niches from a different perspective. I realize I have a lot of work ahead but I can start to visualize how I can start to really help these niches. Thank you for your input."

—Kirk M. Tushaus, independent advisor, 25 year veteran, Scottsdale, Ariz.

Wendi is a master niche marketer from way back. She has marketed to lawyers, advisors, CPAs and investors of all ages and every stripe. She's developed seminars, radio shows, and investment products for thousands of people you would want as clients.

And she's the cracker-jack editor who also developed Horsesmouth's Wall Street Watch feature and launched Horsesmouth's Advisor/Client marketing program.

Together, and with the assistance of the Horsesmouth editorial team and contributing experts, we pored over every aspect of what it takes for advisors like you to effectively identify a good niche, interviewed dozens of advisors, culled useful experiences from the field, and developed a plan for penetrating a niche, then executing a strategy with confidence and mastery.

We wrote the rule book, if you will, on a niche prospecting system that any advisor can fully and easily adapt to his own business model and style, use quickly and start seeing successes early on. 

It's called the:

Rich Niche Prospecting: 30 Days to Launch Your New Target Market Strategy

I'd like to invite you to be part of a select group of results-oriented advisors (with can-do attitudes) who are joining our Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program. They all share one common goal: to develop a specialty and expertise that will help them attract new, wealthy clients.

As a member of this exclusive group, you will go through our jumpstart program and learn how to select a niche specialty that works for you, develop an effective marketing campaign that brings you new prospects and clients, and start your elevation to expert status within your niche.

Get the Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program

How Does It Work?

Here are some of the highlights of the Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program:

Participants in the Rich Niche Prospecting Jumpstart program will be led through a three-part webinar coaching series led by Wendi Webb, author of Rich Niche Prospecting and Director of Horsesmouth's Advisor/Client program.

The program's webinars will be presented live and also available on-demand for easy viewing and reviewing.

Here's a look at what you'll learn and receive in the Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program:

The Rich Niche Prospecting Jumpstart Coaching Series:

Session One:
Zero in on the Perfect Niche (May 28, 4pm)

1. A step-by-step process designed to evaluate various niche opportunities and pick the one best suited for you. Topics covered:
  • What Makes a Rich Niche
  • 8 Characteristics of a Rich Niche
  • Testing your Niche
  • Big Idea Niche Matrix
  • Testing Your Opportunity
  • Finding Hidden Niches in Your Practice
  • Finding Your Product or Service Niche
2. Tools and worksheets cover:
  • Rank and Segment Your Clients
  • Map Your Social Connections
  • Product or Service Line Analysis
  • Revenue Analysis
Session Two:
Develop Your Niche Expertise & Marketing Plan (June 4, 4pm)

1. A step-by-step process designed to put you in front of key players in your new niche as part of a full-blown research and preparation for the launching of your first Niche campaign. Topics covered:
  • How to Immerse Yourself in Your Niche
  • Interview Niche players
  • Finding Access Points Into Your Niche
  • Identifying Your Niche's Needs
2. Tools and worksheets cover:
  • Niche Interview Form
  • 36 Niche Research Questions
  • Identifying Niche Access Points
  • Target Market Pain Points and Remedies
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis

Helping Me Focus

"This program has already paid off for me by helping me focus on where I want to go. My problem has always been a lack of focus. Not saying I've got it whipped yet, but now I am moving in the right direction. I am now more focused than before and I am actually excited to have more of a focus on this. It took lots of thought, and working through the Rich Niche program, but I am feeling pretty good. Nice to have a more narrow focus. "

— Josh S., CFP, wirehouse advisor, Harrisonburg, Va.

Session Three:
Launch Your First Niche Campaign (June 11, 4pm)

1. A step-by-step process designed to launch and fully implement your first niche campaign. Topics covered:
  • How to Launch a Fast-Start Marketing Plan
  • Set Sales and Marketing Goals for Niche
  • Creating a Niche Client Profile
  • Creating a Niche Positioning Statement
  • Develop Your COI Referral Strategy
  • Cultivate Your Reputation as a Niche Expert
  • Getting in Front of Niche Prospects
2. Tools and worksheets cover:
  • Fast-Start Marketing Plan
  • Ideal Niche Client Profile
  • Writing Your Positioning Statement
  • 5-Step COI Referral Strategy
  • Niche Credibility Strategy
  • Super Prospect Game Plan
  • Niche Prospecting Checklist

    Get the Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program

What Do You Get With Rich Niche Prospecting?

Program participants receive everything they need to go through the process of identifying a profitable niche, build a strategy and launch your new niche. Program resources include the following:
  1. Rich Niche Prospecting: 30 Days to Launch Your New Target Market Strategy

    A 271-page, printed spiral-bound guide that takes you step-by-step through finding the perfect, profitable niche to add to your practice. Shipped to your address.

  2. Rich Niche Prospecting
  1. Rich Niche Prospecting Jumpstart Program Coaching Series

    Get coached on choosing and implementing your niche strategy by veteran financial services marketing expert Wendi Webb, author of Rich Niche Prospecting. In a three-part, action-driven webinar coaching series, Wendi will lead you through the critical must-do actions needed to quickly and efficiently decide on your niche, build your strategy and get to launch. All sessions are recorded for easy, on-demand review and re-listening.

  1. Rich Niche Prospecting Toolkit (PDF/Downloads)

    More than 25 electronic templates, worksheets, checklists, and forms available for exclusive download. Use them as you're guided through each marketing decision and outline exactly what you have to do to transform yourself into an expert and build a niche business. Includes:

    • Niche Macro Analysis (Worksheet)
    • Evaluating the Business Opportunity (Worksheet)
    • Ranking Your Clients (Checklist)
    • Segmenting Your Clients (Spreadsheet)
    • Financial Behavior Archetypes (Table)
    • Mapping Your Social Connections (Worksheet)
    • Value Ladder Questionnaire (Worksheet)
    • The SWOT Matrix (Worksheet)
    • Niche Ideas (Worksheet)
    • Product Line Analysis (Spreadsheet)
    • Financial Needs Analysis (Spreadsheet)
    • Revenue Analysis (Spreadsheet)
    • Brainstorming Potential Niches (Worksheet)
    • COI Research Questions (Checklist)
    • COI Interview Form (Worksheet)
    • Niche Access (Worksheet)
    • Target Market Pain Points & Remedies (Worksheet)
    • Fast-Start Marketing Plan (Worksheet)
    • Ideal Niche Client Profile (Worksheet)
    • Niche Positioning Development (Worksheet)
    • Writing Your Positioning Statement (Worksheet)
    • COI 8-Step Referral Strategy (Checklist & Worksheet)
    • Niche Credibility Strategy (Checklist & Worksheet)
    • Super Prospect Game Plan (Worksheet)
    • 70 Ways to Expand Your Social Networks (Checklist)
  1. One-on-One Coaching

    One private 30-minute session ($100 value) with program director Wendi Webb

  1. The Niche Masters Interviews (PDF)

    This 70-page PDF report includes five one-on-one interviews with highly successful niche advisors.

  1. 39 Steps to Dominating a Wealthy Niche (PDF)

    Get the full report (transcript and slides) on Wendi Webb's niche marketing presentation.

Get the Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program

Rich Niche, Risk-Free GUARANTEE

100% Guaranteed Niche advisors make more money and enjoy their businesses at a much higher rate than generalist advisors. Those are facts we've seen repeatedly in our research. That's why I urge you to join our Rich Niche Prospecting Jumpstart Program. And that's why I can make this guarantee: 

Go through our series (live or on-demand). Follow the program's directions. Work with your team to get your niche in place. Meet with Wendi Webb for your 30 minute marketing critique. After 12 months, if you don't feel that the Rich Niche Prospecting Jumpstart Program helped you do a better job, we'll completely refund 100% of your purchase price—guaranteed. Just call and tell us: Phone: 212-343-8760, Ext. 1. You just need to confirm you've deleted all materials you received under the Rich Niche Prospecting Program. It's that simple. So joining is completely risk-free.

Become a Niche Expert—Join Today


"FAs don't need to 'reinvent the wheel' when it comes to niche marketing. Rich Niche Prospecting explains, step by step, how to do it. The program provides an abundance of worksheets that make the process easier. It even provides a 'click by click' guide for sorting client data on an Excel spreadsheet. Fantastic! Everyone wants a better mousetrap.

"This program is a great help towards building a successful FA marketing strategy."

—Bryce Sanders, president of Perceptive Solutions, Horsesmouth contributor, and author of Captivating the Wealthy Investor

Join our Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program today and get guidance, focus, discipline and accountability for your niche strategy program for an entire year.

Remember, when you join our Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program, you're enrolled in our one-year program and receive:

  • Rich Niche Prospecting: 30 Days to Launch Your New Target Market Strategy (271-page, printed spiral-bound guide shipped to your address).
  • Rich Niche Prospecting Jumpstart Program Coaching Series (3-part live and on-demand webinar series).
  • Rich Niche Prospecting Toolkit (PDF/Downloads).
  • One-on-One Coaching With Wendi Webb (1 30-minute session)
  • The Niche Masters Interviews (PDF)
  • 39 Steps to Dominating a Wealthy Niche (PDF)

This kind of attention in a one-on-one setting would cost you $30,000 or more from a top marketing consultant.

But it's yours today for just $497.

It's an incredible value for advisors.

Get the Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program

Make 2015 the Year You Achieve Niche Mastery.

Remember at the top of this report how I told you the story about the two advisors and how one of them had the N-Factor?

You may have overlooked a small detail about his story.

He got his start in a niche at the urging of an older top producer in his office who offered guidance along the way. I call that the "Obi Wan Kenobi Edge."

I wish every advisor had a similar mentor.

But I believe that when you join our Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program and participate in all our calls, sharing your insights, challenges and successes, your experience will be like enjoying the benefits of dozens, even hundreds of mentors.

So go ahead and put mastering a good niche strategy at the top of your "to-do" list and signup for our Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program now.


Sean Bailey
21 West 38th Street
New York, NY 10006
888-336-6884 ext.1

P.S. Don't make the mistake of waiting. How powerful are the benefits of a niche strategy? When we asked niche advisors, if they had the chance to start their careers over, would they take the niche approach sooner than they did, at the same time, or later, 74.5% said they'd start specializing sooner.

Of course, the reasons why are clear, including: higher profits, better clients, more satisfaction and enhanced status and reputation.

Frankly, I don't know why any advisor would seriously stick to the Generalist approach to prospecting. Who wants to work harder for less money, less respect and less success? I don't think anyone does. That's why we've created the Rich Niche Jumpstart Prospecting Program. Don't miss this unique opportunity. Join right now

FOR INSTANT SERVICE Call Toll Free: 1-888-336-6884 ext 1
(Outside U.S.): 1-212-343-8760

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