Join Our Virtual Savvy Tax Planning School January 23, 24, 30, and 31, 2025

(Sessions will be recorded and replays will be available for 90 days)

Please note, attendees who sign up after January 9 will have access to digital versions of the classroom material. Your hard copy materials may not arrive until after the workshop begins.

Don’t let clients overpay taxes! Build loyalty, referrals, and profits when you add a tax focus to your planning business.

Dear Advisor:

What clients badly need – and CPAs aren’t giving them – is a good dose of tax planning. Not tax preparation, which is a no-no, but tax planning, a totally compliant activity you offer every day whether you call it that or not.SECURE Act

Albert Einstein once said that the“hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.”

And that’s before he faced the gravitational suck of RMDs, QCDs, and QBIs…

Is it any surprise that clients, even very successful ones, get a bit lost in space when it comes to taxes and retirement?

What clients badly need – and CPAs aren’t giving them – is a good dose of tax planning. Not tax preparation, which is a no-no, but tax planning, a totally compliant activity you offer every day whether you call it that or not.SECURE Act

After all, isn’t reducing clients’ tax liability and maximizing tax efficiency in their retirement plans a key aspect of your job?

It’s also the very definition of tax planning.

Yet so many advisors hesitate to talk about taxes despite how critical they are to any investment, financial, or retirement plan.

Taxes are too complicated, they say. Compliance is too strict. It’s easier… safer… prudent… to avoid the topic altogether.

Leaving clients to fend for themselves.

As a 2018 Nationwide survey reported,85% of pre-retirees expect you to help them plan for taxes. 38% will leave if you don’t.

If you’re ready own your value proposition and help clients with one of their most searing pain points, the 4-Day Virtual Savvy Tax Planning School can set you up for success… walking you through all the tax facts and strategies you need to help your clients minimize their exposure and improve their investment returns – compliantly!

It’s a killer value prop that promises to rock and roll. Spend time now getting sharper about taxes, and you’ll be set as word of your tax smarts spreads.

And word will spread! If there is one thing clients like to talk about more than the money they’ve made in the market, it’s the money they’ve saved in taxes… and the advisor who got them there.

That could be you!


Taxes are often a make-or-break factor when it comes to business deals, investments, and retirement decisions.

They are also a searing pain point for high net worth clients who have the kind of income and assets that invite complicated tax situations.

Join us virtually on January 23, 24, 30, and 31, 2025,  for a 4-day intensive immersion in tax planning where you’ll discover the skills, concepts, and strategies to assist these clients and position yourself as the go-to tax-smart advisor in your markets.

How Does a Virtual Workshop Work?

  • The workshop will be live-streamed and accessible from your computer/tablet
  • Attendees will be able to ask questions and interact throughout the presentation
  • Sessions will be recorded and replays will be available for 90 days
  • Workshop materials will be shipped to you
  • Holders of the CFP designation will qualify for CE credits (Note: To obtain credit you must either attend all the sessions live or take an assessment after viewing the replays.)

Virtual Savvy Tax School

January 23, 24, 30, and 31, 2025

Learn More and Register

Here are some topics we'll dive into during our four-day workshop:

In just 10 sessions (spread out over four days), you’ll not only learn how to help your clients minimize their tax exposure, you’ll identify new investment and marketing opportunities.

Each session covers a critical tax planning concept explained through real life case studies, practice pointers, and expert insights.

Here is a partial list of the concepts you’ll discuss each session:

Session 1: The What, Why, and How of Tax Planning

  • The ethical considerations of tax planning vs tax advice
  • Why tax planning is valuable to clients
  • What is tax planning and how to get started with tax planning in your firm
  • Building a year round service calendar focusing on tax planning
  • Case studies and tools to use to review and organize information in discovery meetings

Session 2: Building Tax Planning Processes and Financial Planning Technology Deep Dive

  • Technology due diligence: what to look for in planning programs
  • Seven key planning objectives
  • Review of tax planning technology landscape
  • Creating checklists to build a financial plan

Session 3: Incorporating Tax Planning into the Comprehensive Financial Plan

  • Building the client work plan to create a thorough financial plan
  • Building tax planning and financial planning checklists
  • Review financial plan samples and software

Session 4: Leveraging Tax Planning Software and Emerging Fintech

  • Review of software: Income Solver, FP Alpha, FP Pathfinder, Asset Map, Income Lab
  • Emerging tech to watch

Session 5: Recent Tax Legislation and Upcoming Potential Tax Law Changes

  • SECURE Act 1.0 Review
  • SECURE Act 2.0 Provisions
  • Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: What happens next
  • Potential tax law changes

Session 6: Preparing and Reviewing a Tax Return Report

  • Introduction to Holistiplan
  • How to generate a tax report
  • Identifying key figures in a tax report

Session 7: Analyzing a Tax Report: Adding Value for Clients

  • Reading and identifying key data in a tax report
  • How to review tax return observations
  • Ways to present the analysis and information to clients

Session 8: Getting Started with Scenario Tax Analysis

  • How to use scenario analysis to build "what if" tax situations
  • Comparing previous years' tax returns and modeling future years
  • Case studies: Widow's penalty, relocation, and state residency taxes

Session 9: Scenario Tax Analysis: Advanced Case Studies

  • The power of a Roth conversion
  • Advanced case studies:
    • Tax bracket management
    • Charitable gifting tax strategies
    • Capital gains analysis
    • Mapping out IRA distributions & Roth conversions

Session 10: Proving Tax Planning Value: Client Outreach

  • Reviewing tax projection reports
  • How to compose a tax analysis email for clients
  • Wrap up


The hallmark of great advisor-training workshops are the amount of “Aha!” moments you experience. This workshop is jam-packed with epiphanies that are going get you in front of wealthier clients immediately. At the Savvy Tax Planning School, your four days will be filled with “aha!” ideas you can put to use immediately your first week back. Don’t take my word for it.

Here’s what past workshop attendees say:

Michael Egan

“Tax planning is a big issue now as more and more of our clients are hitting retirement and we’re dealing with distribution planning where the tax becomes more and more critical.

“We need to focus on a more active Roth conversion strategy during the client’s working career, maybe even early in retirement. I think an entire tax strategy combined with the overall financial planning process is the critical piece we need to enhance.

“So making sure we fill up the brackets… making sure we’re thinking about next generation planning, survivorship planning, widow planning, things that really hadn’t come up in other discussions… these are the big things we’re going to be focusing on going forward.

“Dealing with the tax experts here at the workshop has really opened my eyes to the opportunities available.”

David Smith

“Take the Roth conversion concept for existing 401(k) owners… I’ve had a few clients who have fought it and CPAs that have fought it. I’m going to go in there with my guns loaded a little bit better and insist that it’s really a lot.

—David Smith, South Miami, FL


Jean Riordan

“There are so many people who are not aware of what’s going on in their 401k or how valuable Roths can be in wealth conversions. We talked a lot about the Widow’s Penalty. I have a lot of single women clients, so I think this would add a lot of value. And just overall when I look at my client base… a lot of them are coming of age to start Social Security and Medicare. How that is going to trickle over to their tax return is so valuable for the client.”

—Jean Riordan, Poughkeepsie, NY

Injil Muhammad

“What was most valuable was really talking about tax diversification in retirement. I understand that one of the major expenses in retirement is taxation and clients who retire with 401ks are going to be fully taxed… or fully whacked, as I call it… and we need to plan around that. It’s so important to make sure clients are tax diversified in retirement.”

—Injil Muhammad, New York, NY


Carol O'Neil

“I found most valuable the section regarding business owners. In my practice, people hire me to be their CFO. So looking at a business profit and loss statement helps me understand how I can better utilize this information to inform my clients.”

—Carol O’Neil, Lake Worth, FL


Bob Morrison

“I want to talk to every client about tax planning, whether it’s in its simplest format or more complex. And also talk to them about asset placement within the investment portfolio as well as Roth and IRA planning for the future.”

—Bob Morrison, Greenwood Village, CO


Christopher Jordan

“I attended the workshop in order to get better content for our client base as we move more from general planning into tax planning.

“The content was so deep, and they got into many, many topics that were very helpful to me to explain to some of my clients.

"Over the last few months, more and more clients have had a lot of questions about the Secure Actand what it might mean to them. I felt there was a perfect tie in with the seminar.”

Christopher Jordan, Tarrytown, NY


Virtual Savvy Tax School

January 23, 24, 30, and 31, 2025

Learn More and Register


Debra Taylor know exactly what it takes to build a business on tax planning yet stay fully compliant.

Each founded and oversees their own wealth management firm, successfully managing the assets of business owners, senior execs, pre-retirees, medical professionals, and other wealthy investors.

They are sharp, credentialed advisors who might have started out as CPAs, but quickly moved into financial advice when they saw the pent-up demand for holistic planning and tax planning services. They are powerhouses in the industry and very scary competitors if you’re working in their markets.


Debbie Taylor is the principal and founder of Taylor Financial Group, LLC, a fullservice wealth management firm located in Franklin Lakes, NJ. Debra’s education and career has spanned many disciplines including legal and public accounting.

From 2007-2016, Debbie was named to the Chairman’s Club of LPL Financial, a distinction bestowed on only the top 6% of LPL’s more than 14,000 advisors.

She is the co-creator of Horsesmouth’s Savvy Tax Planning program and the author of Horsesmouth’s top-selling practice management book, My Journey to 1 Million: The Systems and Processes That Will Get You There. She also teaches the practice management workshop “Million-Dollar Solutions.” Debra has been featured on national TV and is often quoted in national publications such as Barron’s, Smart Money, and The Wall Street Journal. She has led a robust schedule of consumer financial education workshops for many years and also regularly presents to financial advisors at national conferences.


“This workshop helps advisors get a basic understanding of the tax laws and how it can affect their clients.

“There are a lot of things I want to share with advisors in this workshop.

“I want attendees to have some creative ideas. Because bringing those creative ideas to the table and making a difference in clients’ lives is what helps you to bring on new clients. It also helps your existing clients truly value what you’re doing. They’ll want to stay around a long time to benefit from it.

“I’m hoping to give our attendees practical tools, and ideas to bring back to their office and implement what we’ve discussed.”

“Years ago we would engage in unnatural acts regarding estate planning, doing all kinds of trusts. Today income taxes are front and center. They’ve become very politicized. Clients are hearing about it more and more and advisors need help on how to navigate this very complex and always changing landscape.

Virtual Savvy Tax School

January 23, 24, 30, and 31, 2025

Learn More and Register


Jean Riordan

“They take a topic that normally might be a little boring, but they take it and make it fun. They have a lot of great analogies that I will take with me to use when I’m explaining to clients.

—Jean Riordan, Poughkeepsie, NY



Danny Cuddy

“I take notes, voluminous notes, during these conferences and I think there’s 87 different points that I’ve already picked up through the first day. I may have to buy another notebook.”

Daniel Cuddy, Auburn, NY



Christopher Jordan

“They were both great high energy presenters. They had a lot of great practical knowledge and they were able to pause from the slides and take questions and really integrate it for a great group meeting.”

Christopher Jordan, Tarrytown, NY



Kurt Wanner

“The pace is very quick, so you’ve got to be on your toes. Everything’s very well organized. I appreciate their effort to stay on task and on time.”


—Kurt Wanner, Everette, WA


Michael Egan

"Debbie's got the practical experience I think of being an advisor by day, even though she grew up in a tax practice. She can see the planning aspects… the marketing aspects.

—Michael Egan, Vienna, VA


Program Overview (note: all sessions subject to change)

Day 1: Thursday, January 23, 2025

Session 1: The What, Why, and How of Tax Planning
12:00 - 1:30 pm

  • The ethical considerations of tax planning vs tax advice
  • Why tax planning is valuable to clients
  • What is tax planning and how to get started with tax planning in your firm
  • Building a year round service calendar focusing on tax planning
  • Case studies and tools to use to review and organize information in discovery meetings

1:30 - 1:45 pm: Break

Session 2: Building Tax Planning Processes and Financial Planning Technology Deep Dive
1:45 - 3:00 pm

  • Technology due diligence: what to look for in planning programs
  • Seven key planning objectives
  • Review of tax planning technology landscape
  • Creating checklists to build a financial plan

Day 2: Friday, January 24, 2025

Session 3: Incorporating Tax Planning into the Comprehensive Financial Plan
12:00 - 1:30 pm

  • Building the client work plan to create a thorough financial plan
  • Building tax planning and financial planning checklists
  • Review financial plan samples and software

1:30 - 1:45 pm: Break

Session 4: Leveraging Tax Planning Software and Emerging Fintech
1:45 – 3:00 pm

  • Review of software: Income Solver, FP Alpha, FP Pathfinder, Asset Map, Income Lab
  • Emerging tech to watch

Day 3: Thursday, January 30, 2025

Session 5: Recent Tax Legislation and Upcoming Potential Tax Law Changes
12:00 - 1:15 pm

  • SECURE Act 1.0 Review
  • SECURE Act 2.0 Provisions
  • Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: What happens next
  • Potential tax law changes

1:15 - 1:30 pm: Break

Session 6: Preparing and Reviewing a Tax Return Report
1:30 - 2:15 pm

  • Introduction to Holistiplan
  • How to generate a tax reporteport: Adding Value for Clients
  • Identifying key figures in a tax report

Session 7: Analyzing a Tax Report: Adding Value for Clients
2:15 – 3:00 pm

  • Reading and identifying key data in a tax report
  • How to review tax return observations
  • Ways to present the analysis and information to clients

Day 4: Friday, January 31, 2025

Session 8: Getting Started with Scenario Tax Analysis
12:00 - 12:45 pm

  • How to use scenario analysis to build "what if" tax situations
  • Comparing previous years' tax returns and modeling future years
  • Case studies: Widow's penalty, relocation, and state residency taxes

Session 9: Scenario Tax Analysis: Advanced Case Studies
12:45 - 1:30 pm

  • The power of a Roth conversion
  • Advanced case studies:
    • Tax bracket management
    • Charitable gifting tax strategies
    • Capital gains analysis
    • Mapping out IRA distributions & Roth conversions

1:30 - 1:45 pm: Break

Session 10: Proving Tax Planning Value: Client Outreach
1:45 - 3:00 pm

  • Reviewing tax projection reports
  • How to compose a tax analysis email for clients
  • Wrap up

Holders of the CFP® designation will qualify for 12.5 CE credits. (Note: In order to receive credit you must attend the sessions live or take an assessment after watching the video replays.)

Sign up for Savvy Tax Planning School Today. Your ability to deliver proactive tax strategies – to working clients and retirees – will help them avoid costly mistakes, minimize tax surprises, and boost their satisfaction with your services!

As Albert Einstein once said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” He also said, “Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” Spend four days with our rockstar advisors learning everything you need to know about smart tax planning, and you’ll be able to talk taxes as an expert with your clients and their CPAs.


  • BONUS #1 Full membership in the Savvy Tax Planning Program – a year-long marketing and expert support service offering four FINRA-reviewed client-facing PowerPoint presentations you can give at events or webinars, client handouts, reference guides, and a a private website alerting you to the latest developments in tax planning along with a monthly newsletter from Debbie.
  • BONUS #2 Next Steps, One-on-One Action Plan Coaching Session (30 minutes). Take immediate steps to put your learning into action. After you’ve returned home, get a complimentary coaching session with Horsesmouth’s Executive Coach Chris Holman. Meet with Chris over the phone for 30 minutes to discuss your key takeaways from the workshop, your goals, and a plan to guide your next steps.

If you do one thing in 2025 to invest in your business, start by investing in yourself with a 4-day immersion into tax planning.

You don’t have to be an Einstein, a mathematician, or even a CPA to help clients avoid tax minefields!

But your clients will think you are! And that’s enough to get you in front of a whole new class of clients and prospects in 2025.

Sean Bailey

Sean M. Bailey
Editor in Chief Horsesmouth
(888) 336-6884 ext.1


P.S. Get ready for recovery planning with an investment in your tax education! Once you get a handle on tax planning, you’ll not only save your clients serious money, you’ll lower your own taxes as well. Everybody wins!

Virtual Savvy Tax School

January 23, 24, 30, and 31, 2025

Learn More and Register

About Horsesmouth

Since 1997, Horsesmouth has been helping financial advisors succeed by providing timely guidance on key topics such as business development, practice management, financial planning and investment strategies.

FOR INSTANT SERVICE Call Toll Free: 1-888-336-6884 ext 1 (Outside U.S.: 1-212-343-8760)


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