Social Security Workshop Header

Four-Day Social Security/Medicare Workshop Is Now Virtual—Watch From Your Home or Office on May 13-16.

(Sessions will be recorded and replays will be available for 90 days)

The Great Boomer Wave Is Just Hitting Now!

You’ve still got early-mover advantage if you act now. Boomers are just starting to retire:

  • The post-1954 Boomer group (trailing edge) is up to 20% larger than the leading-edge Boomers!
  • That’s nearly 12,000 Boomers born each day. First-year Boomers were 9,300 per day!
  • Trailing edge Boomers also have more wealth thanks to real estate and post-2008 bull market. They’re looking for a retirement advisor.
  • The 62-72 retiree sweet spot will be filled with 32 million Boomers every year
  • 32 million Boomers now aged 62-72 are smack dab in the middle of their claiming years
  • The pipeline will stay packed until 2028
  • 2 million Boomers are retiring each year for the next 10 years
  • Social Security and Medicare will be constantly revised to handle the onslaught
  • Don’t miss this chance to add $5 million, $10 million, or even $20 million in new AUM
  • Social Security and Medicare knowledge gives you the tools to succeed on your terms

Social Security Workshop Header

Business is going to be good for the next decade or two—a serious opportunity for advisors willing to invest in their skills and develop systems to get in front of this huge retirement wave


Younger boomers born after 1953 arrived at nearly 12,000 a day—21% more than older Boomers who started arriving at 9,300 per day! That’s 36 million boomers in the retirement sweet spot through 2028 and they need your help!

The key to capturing more retirement assets is to lead with a strong Social Security approach that not only maximizes clients’ income but convinces them you are the only advisor to manage the rest of their portfolio…The opportunity is huge.

Gain a technical and marketing edge that offers boomers personalized value and concrete deliverables when you attend Horsesmouth’s virtual Social Security and Medicare workshop. Overview of what you will learn:

Deepen your understanding of Social Security topics, learn the claiming strategies, and become an expert on Social Security

Morris shank
Morris Shank
Integrated Financial Group
St. Louis, MO

A Catalyst for Just Doing It

I came because I’m semi-familiar with this and it’s important to me. And I’ve now been a Savvy Social Security subscriber for about a year and I’ve read through all the Q and A. I’m fairly confident in an unconfident way and I thought this would be a catalyst for really getting immersed in it. I really felt like being in here with other people and being involved in all that feedback would be helpful.

“I was talking to one of my colleagues last night who came out here with me and I just said I’ve really enjoyed Elaine. I think she hangs in there with us. And I feel like she’s dedicated to it…I’m confident in what she’s doing and why she’s doing it and I think being here and seeing her in person was helpful with that.”

  • Learn how to analyze claiming strategies for married couples, divorced individuals, and widow(er)s
  • Understand valid and invalid claiming scenarios
  • Design claiming strategies for married couples (including same sex) and single individuals (never married, divorced, widowed)
  • Examine complex cases with varying strategies and potential outcomes
  • Review key implications for marital decisions
  • Q&A intensive: Understanding the rules
  • Scenario planning using online Savvy Social Security Spousal Planning Calculator
  • Study advanced topics: WEP/GPO, POMS, earnings test, dependent benefits and family maximum, Medicare, and more
  • Learn reform proposals and the future of the Social Security system
  • The top questions asked by clients and how to answer them
  • Self-employed clients: How much should they pay themselves and/or their spouses to maximize Social Security?
  • How taxation impacts Social Security benefits
  • How the earnings test works
  • Understand independent benefits and the maximum family benefit
  • Introduction to Medicare and its role in planning for retirement health care expenses

Social Security is one of the most powerful topics advisors can use to meet qualified prospects and turn them into clients. Learn the wide ranges of ways this is being done.

  • Marketing your Savvy Social Security planning services via seminars and workshops
  • Introduction to the Savvy Social Security Marketing Toolkit
  • Case studies for presenting at: office, library, hotel, restaurant, and other approaches
  • Introduction to Advanced Social Security Business Development Principles
  • The anatomy of a successful seminar
  • How to raise $5-7 million per year teaching Social Security
  • Why and how the high-end dinner seminar still produces big results
  • The best way to open your workshop presentation
  • How to make presentations without paying for any marketing
  • How to integrate powerful client case studies into your workshop
  • Tactics for handling questions
  • The best ways to leverage adult school opportunities
  • Tactics for getting attendees to sign up for one-on-one meetings
  • Use Social Security to build lifelong loyalty with new clients
  • How to run one-on-one meetings that lead to new clients
  • How and why integrated marketing produces the best results for workshop attendance
  • How to scale presenting at libraries
  • The best way to reach CPAs and their clients with your workshop


Boomer Spike Coming!
Virtual Workshop

May 13-16


Learn More and Register

Intensive 4-Day Workshop:

Deepen your understanding of the nuances, learn the range of claiming strategies, and build your base of Social Security and Medicare expertise. 

Who should attend:

If you want deepen and expand your expertise, especially if you want to pursue the lucrative retirement income planning market and expect to position yourself as a retirement “distribution” expert. Social Security and Medicare will be critical topics in 2024 and beyond.

What will be covered:
A total immersion experience taking you through a complete review of rules, strategies, and business development strategies, plus scenario-building, case studies, and discussion of advanced issues.

Workshop goal:
Take you from where you are now and put you on the path to becoming or exceeding your role as the “go-to Social Security expert” in your region, with working knowledge of Medicare.

How Does a Virtual Workshop Work?

  • The workshop will be live-streamed and accessible from your computer/tablet
  • Attendees will be able to ask questions and interact throughout the presentation
  • Sessions will be recorded and replays will be available for 90 days
  • Workshop materials will be shipped to you
  • Holders of the CFP designation will qualify for 10 CE credits (Note: To obtain credit you must either attend all the sessions live or take an assessment after viewing the replays.)

17 Reasons to Participate in Online Events Like the Social Security & Medicare Virtual Workshop

  1. No traveling, road trips, airplanes, airports, or long security lines.
  2. No bad hotel food.
  3. No worrying about getting home on time.
  4. No lost sleep over hot hotel rooms, loud neighbors, or gurgling ice machines.
  5. You won't have to lug around the 200-page workshop guide, slides, and materials.
  6. You’ll get a perfect view of Elaine Floyd and the other presenters – from the front row!
  7. You can run your business while you study – online instruction only lasts 3 hours each day.
  8. Less information overload - 4 days gives you time to absorb and synthesize the material better.
  9. You can drink your favorite beverage without stressing about where to get more.
  10. No one will notice when you get up and go to the restroom.
  11. You only have to appear professional from the waist up. (No standing while the webcam is on.)
  12. You can concentrate and focus better allowing us to cover more material at a faster pace.
  13. You only have to talk to those attendees you want to talk to.
  14. You can snuggle with your pet while reviewing the materials.
  15. You can replay the entire workshop as many times as you like – a benefit you’ll never get with live events!
  16. It’s great for shy people who don’t like to ask questions in public. You can ask whatever you like as anonymously as you like in the chat panel.
  17. You can do whatever you want during the breaks. (Again, turn off the webcam.)

What Other Advisors Say About Horsesmouth Virtual Workshops

Now, just in case you’re a little apprehensive about “virtual learning,” let me reassure you, this isn’t our first online rodeo. In fact, we had tremendous success with our recent Savvy IRA Recovery Planning Workshop earning accolades from attending advisors.

I’ll share with you some of their comments. I can’t give you any names because we surveyed our attendees anonymously (so they’d tell us the truth!), but they gave us some great feedback!

  • “I thought the virtual meeting was amazing. You lose some elements (e.g. meeting participants and speakers) but gain in others (e.g. no travel). No recommendations because I thought you all did so well.”
  • “The material was excellent, and the speaker extremely knowledgeable. But, for me, the best thing about it was the ability to get this much information and training without having to leave my office. Spreading it out over four days gave me time to digest every day's topics before moving on.”
  • “Although meeting in person is valuable, I liked the virtual experience and not having to travel.”
  • “This was my first Horsesmouth workshop, and I'm very likely to do more in this format.”
  • Big fan of 3 hours per day over 4 days as opposed to longer sessions and less days.”
  • Virtual workshops should be a standard offering going forward, in addition to live options.”
  • “This virtual workshop was done very well, almost like everyone was a pro at it. :-) We should do more of these since it saves everyone money (no travel costs for participants and no facility rental or food costs for provider).”
  • “One of the best education events I have attended in my 37 years as an enrolled agent.”
  • “Loved not having to travel. I can listen to a replay and refresh my notes.”
  • “The tech is easy to use, really like the format.”
  • “It has been what I expected. Horsesmouth events are always worth the time.”
  • “Thank you three. Great info yesterday—I listened to the replay on my commute home…very helpful.”  
  • “This is a GREAT way to do training!”
  • “Lots of great info. I will definitely need to view these replay videos. I appreciate being able to access them.”
  • “Great class. I really like the virtual. Don’t have to travel. Have access to my office info during the class. Still can ask questions. That and the fact that the replays will be available for 90 days so I can listen again. It’s a total winner for me. I would think it’s a winner for you guys as well. Hopefully, everyone else feels the same way so we can continue to do these!”

Here are some topics we’ll dive into during our Four-Day workshops:

Effect of additional earnings (or lack thereof): Advisors are getting a lot of questions lately on the effect of additional earnings — or lack thereof — on a person’s Social Security benefit. People pay into Social Security for years without ever thinking about where those taxes are going or how their earnings will affect their Social Security benefit. Then, as they grow closer to retirement, they begin to make the connection and wonder if they should work longer or take their benefits now. You’ll need to know how to puzzle this out with clients and prospects…

Claiming benefits for dependent children: If your client has a young wife and kids, he might consider claiming dependent benefits for the young ones. But when it comes to retirement benefits, the age at which these benefits are claimed can have many ramifications. You need to know exactly when this kind of strategy makes sense for everyone. The decision must be made very carefully...

Survivor benefits for widows aged 60-70: One of the trickiest — and most critical — Social Security planning strategies applies to widows who are between the ages of 60 and 70. Once a widow becomes eligible for survivor benefits — as early as age 60 (50 if disabled) — she will be looking for guidance on how and when to start her benefit. If she also qualifies for Social Security on her own work record, she will be wondering how that fits into the mix. If she’s still working, she may wonder if she’ll be “penalized” for earning too much. If she’s thinking about remarrying, she may ask how the remarriage will affect her survivor benefit...


Boomer Spike Coming!
Virtual Workshop

May 13-16


Learn More and Register

Medicare AND Social Security

Plus, advisors increasingly realize they need to have a much firmer handle on the role Medicare plays in the lives of retirees. It’s not a one and done question like Social Security often is.

When Medicare started in July of 1966, it was designed so that retirees turning 65 would start Social Security benefits and enroll in Medicare at the same time. The two programs were linked. Indeed, the acceptance of Social Security benefits required the acceptance of Medicare, a condition that exists today, even though many people would prefer to take their Social Security and Medicare at different times.

Advisors who help clients decide when to claim Social Security benefits are addressing only half the story. Where people really need help is deciding when they can, should, and must enroll in the different parts of Medicare and how this decision correlates with the Social Security claiming decision.

We are incorporating Medicare into our 4-Day Intensive Social Security workshop. If you have most of the Social Security basics down and now want to see how the Medicare decision layers on top of the Social Security claiming decision, this workshop is for you. This is need-to-know material and offers 10 CE credits for the CFP designation. (Note: To obtain credit you must either attend all the sessions live or take an assessment after viewing the replays.)

Mary kusske
Mary Kusske
Kusske Financial Management
Burnsville, MN

Getting to the
Nuts and Bolts

It’s a fabulous opportunity for us to get together—a group of professionals from around the country. The knowledge is invaluable. I’ve had the good fortune of working with Horsesmouth since 2008 so it was just an affirmation of listening to the webinars we’ve done with Elaine over the years and again just an opportunity to really sit down and talk to others and really get the nuts and bolts of it and we really understand how we can utilize it to help our clients. The case studies are phenomenal information.

“I think because as we’re all aging—a third of my book of business is 60+ so I cater to the pre-retiree/retiree. Just the knowledge base and helping clients get through some of these hurdles that they are going to be facing, not only with Social Security but the Medicare planning—getting them to understand the options.

“Elaine’s a pillar…just an inspiration to those of us to see somebody that knowledgeable and her passion just comes through in her teaching. Just wonderful. I’m really fortunate to be here.”

lavonne marsh
Lavonne Marsh
Marsh Financial Services
Augusta, GA

Learning from
Each Other

I came to this seminar to learn from the expert, Elaine Floyd on how to develop strategies for integrating Social Security into the overall retirement plan for my clients. But a big benefit that I gained in addition to that was just being exposed to the people here—to my peers who have been…some of them have been doing it for years and they have a lot of real life stories to tell. Others of us are new to this and so we’re all searching for ways to improve. How’s it going to help my clientele? Any time that we can help a client get a bigger return on any investment and then help them strategize those investments for the maximum lifetime payoffs…I think that’s what Social Security is going to do for a lot of people. I’m excited about the ways that I can use this valuable tool.

“Elaine Floyd has this almost bigger than life reputation. I was warned about her from my First Global broker dealer about how knowledgeable she was and what she brings to the table. She has surpassed it. She really has. It flows from her like water. It’s just such a natural thing for her. It’s because she’s just filled up with it. I will be using her as a sounding board in the days and months to come. She’s wonderful.”

Questions to be addressed:

  • What to do about Medicare when:
    • You're already receiving Social Security at 65
    • You're not receiving Social Security at 65
    • You're still working
    • Your employer plan is an HSA
    • Your spouse's employer plan is an HSA
    • You're retired and your former employer provides good retiree insurance
    • You've just applied for Social Security disability benefits
  • Medicare vs. The Employer Plan
    • Which is better?
    • How to decide
    • Can you have both?
    • What about the spouse?
  • How the income-related monthly adjustment amount (IRMAA) factors into the Medicare and Social Security decision and why it demands conscientious tax planning, preferably well before age 65
  • Minefields to watch for and how to help clients avoid making bad and irrevocable Social Security and Medicare decisions

Since launching Savvy Social Security in 2008, we’ve introduced more than 10,000 advisors to the topic and our various training options

Here’s an overview of how it works and what you’ll learn each day:

Intensive 4-Day Workshop:

Deepen your understanding of the nuances, learn the range of claiming strategies, and build your base of Social Security and Medicare expertise. 


Day One:  Monday, May 13, 12:00 pm ET- 3:00 pm ET/9:00 am PT – 12:00 pm PT

Session One: Introduction to Social Security
  • What is Savvy Social Security Planning?
  • Social Security: The value of your advice
  • How Social Security benefits are calculated: AIME and PIA
  • How claiming age affects the benefit amount
Session Two: Coordinating Auxiliary Benefits and Claiming Strategies
  • Rules for spousal, divorced-spouse, and survivor benefits
  • Deemed filing and the Budget Act of 2015
  • General advice for spouses
  • Scenario planning for individuals and couples
    • Coordinating spousal, divorced-spouse, survivor, and dependent benefits

Day Two: Tuesday, May 14, 12:00 pm ET- 3:00 pm ET/9:00 am PT – 12:00 pm PT

Session Three: Special Situations and Beyond the Calculators
  • The earnings test
  • Taxation of benefits
  • Dependent benefits and the maximum family benefit
  • Beyond the calculators: Multiple marriages, divorces, deaths
  • How to conduct a Social Security audit
Session Four: Introduction to Savvy Medicare Planning
  • Why clients need Medicare planning and your role

Day Three: Wednesday May 15, 12:00 pm ET- 3:00 pm ET/9:00 am PT – 12:00 pm PT

Session Four: Introduction to Savvy Medicare Planning (continued)
  • Why clients need Medicare planning and your role
  • How to Medicare interacts with private insurance
Session Five: Medicare Costs
  • Health care cost components: premiums, deductibles, cost sharing, out-of-pocket costs
  • Late enrollment penalties
  • Managing and minimizing health care expenses in retirement
  • Medigap vs. Medicare Advantage: What you need to know

Day Four: Thursday, May 16, 12:00 pm ET- 3:00 pm ET/9:00 am PT – 12:00 pm PT

Session Six: Transitioning to Medicare
  • Savvy Medicare planning for clients under and over 65
  • Considerations and steps to take when comparing plans
  • Planning for health care costs in retirement
  • Bonus session: History and financing of Social Security and Medicare
Session Seven: Building Your Business Around Savvy Social Security Planning
  • Marketing your Savvy Social Security planning services via seminars and workshops: Overview of the Marketing Toolkit
  • Case studies
  • Workshop tips
  • Educating CPAs, attorneys, and other centers of influence



Boomer Spike Coming!
Virtual Workshop

May 13-16


Learn More and Register


Elaine Floyd

Elaine Floyd

Your workshop will be led by Elaine Floyd, CFP®, Horsesmouth’s Director of Retirement and Life Planning. Elaine is the author of The Financial Advisor’s Guide to Savvy Social Security and The Financial Advisor’s Guide to Savvy Medicare. She is often quoted in leading publications including the Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger’s Retirement Report, Marketwatch’s Retirement Weekly and other publications.



Sean Bailey

Sean Bailey

Sean M. Bailey is the Editor in Chief of Horsesmouth. Over the last 20 years, Sean has interviewed hundreds of advisors about “what’s working” in their efforts to grow their businesses. In his business development presentation at the four-day intensive workshop, he’ll lead you through in-depth case studies examining the prospecting side of advising boomers about Social Security.

Cancellation and Refund policy

Your workshop registration fee is 100% refundable if you cancel and contact Horsesmouth’s Member Support team 30 business days or more before the event. You must call to receive a cancellation confirmation number. You can reach Member Support at 1-888-336-6884, ext. 1.

Cancellations received between 7-29 days prior to the event will receive a Horsesmouth store credit of 50% of purchase price towards a future event, subscriptions or products, minus $100 processing fee. For cancellations received 6 days or less prior the event, no refunds will be made nor store credits given.

Substitutions/name changes may be made at any time prior to the event without penalty.

Can’t Make It Now?

Click this link and we’ll add you to our workshop information list. When a new workshop date is announced, you’ll get notified.

FOR INSTANT SERVICE, Call Toll Free: 1-888-336-6884 ext 1
(Outside U.S.): 1-212-343-8760


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