Last Chance Checklist

New Pricing Options: PDF-only ($197) or Print/PDF ($297).

Note: Master, Advisor/Client and Advisor/CPA get PDF for free. 

55 Questions Everyone Needs to Answer by Dec. 31st—Your Fall 2023 Client and Prospect CampaignOrder PDF

  • Keep Connecting Without Making a Sales Pitch…
  • Develop 4th Quarter Business and Referrals…


  • 2-Sided 8.5” x 11” 2023 Last-Chance Financial Planning Cards (100 copies & unlimited PDF)
  • Immediately Download PDF version of branded checklist
  • Immediately Download PDF version of toolkit with email series and phone scripts
Now get Last-Chance Financial Planning Cards in PDF-only format and save $100!


  • Print your own, DIY
  • Immediately Download PDF version of branded checklist
  • Immediately Download PDF version of toolkit with email series and phone scripts


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* PDF-only printing on office color copier on 110lb stock @$30 for
100 cardstock sheets or .30 cents each.


Dear Advisor, 

Checklist Sample

100 branded Checklists
(your photo, logo, contact info)

Over the next few years, some of your clients will make damaging and ill-considered decisions about how they will fund their children's college education.

Here's the plan: Finish 2023 on the strongest possible note by running the Last-Chance Financial Planning Checklist Campaign with your clients and prospects.

This field-tested campaign:

  • Uncovers opportunities to address important, time-sensitive issues…
  • Shows clients you're focused on their goals and key planning issues of prosperity and financial security…
  • Gives clients a "peace of mind" treatment that builds more trust through your client service…
  • Reinforces your expertise and your clients' confidence in you…
  • Is a campaign you can start in 5 minutes…

55 Questions You Must Ask Your Clients By Year End

This is an easy to implement, FINRA-reviewed "checklist campaign" for contacting clients and prospects in the 4th Quarter about any new or undone investment and planning issues. To see how your personalized Checklist will look, click the image below.

What Problems Does It Solve?

This program helps your clients and prospects quickly identify any new issues about taxes, retirement, investments, insurance, health, milestones, family, etc. It positions you as "checking in" on any last-minute needs. It's designed to trigger interactions between you and them by email, phone and face-to-face.

How Does the Last-Chance Financial Planning Checklist Campaign Work?

PLAN (Sept.)

1. Review on-demand webinar

2. Review strategy brief and campaign goals

3. Personalize 2023 Last-Chance Financial Planning Checklist (order hard copies)

4. Submit to compliance

5. Contact COIs about participating (optional)

PROMOTE (Sept. – Nov.)

6. Build campaign list (clients and prospects)

7. Make pre-campaign calls to top clients

8. Send email #1 (introductory)

9. Post checklist to web, social media

10. Mail checklist and cover letter

11. Send email #2 (checklist)

12. Send email #3 (reminder)


13. Customize phone scripts

14. Start phone calls to clients (leave a voicemail)

15. Follow-up calls to prospects


16. Set appointments to address checklist issues

17. Conduct meetings and set plan

What's Included in the Last-Chance Financial Planning Checklist Campaign?

  • Everything you need to reach out to clients and prospects in the 4th Quarter and present them with their own End-of-the-Year Checklist, designed to reveal new opportunities for you to help them with planning and investment issues.
  • Your own personally branded copy of the 2023 Last-Chance Financial Planning Checklist (100 copies of the two-sided, 8 1/2" x 11" card), complete with your photo, logo and contact information.
  • A step-by-step toolkit including: *Strategy Brief *Action Plan *Marketing Schedule and Checklist *Checklist sample campaign *FINRA review letter *Campaign email and cover letter samples (templates) *Phone scripts *Check-up worksheet *Phone tips
  • Access to an On-Demand webinar that explains how all aspects of the campaign work.

What's in the Campaign Toolkit?


Complete Marketing Campaign and
Campaign Toolkit

When you personalize your own version of the checklist, you also get a complete Marketing Campaign and Campaign Toolkit to guide you through your interactions with clients and prospects through the end of the year.

You get:

  • A PDF version of the 2023 Last-Chance Financial Planning Checklist.
  • Campaign strategy brief that concisely explains campaign: goals, objectives, resources, implementation, time-frame, etc.
  • A Campaign Action Checklist to guide you through the execution of the campaign.
  • A 3-part Campaign email series you can send to clients and prospects as part of your campaign, including sending a link to the PDF version of your personalized checklist.
  • 2 campaign phone scripts for clients & prospects.
  • 7 follow-up phone scripts for clients & prospects.
  • FINRA review letter for the Checklist.
  • Phone tips to use in conjunction with the Checklist Campaign.

Why Do the 2023 Last-Chance Financial Planning Checklist Campaign?

By smartly executing your End-of-the-Year Financial Planning Checklist Campaign with clients and prospects, you'll also enjoy a wide range of benefits because the campaign:

  1. Helps you set appointments with both clients and prospects.
  2. Keeps you top of mind.
  3. Positions you as an expert.
  4. Demonstrates your commitment to smart client service.
  5. Shows prospects you're concerned about their situation.
  6. Reinforces "peace of mind" for clients: You've got them covered.
  7. Is totally client-centered—it's all about them.
  8. Uncovers opportunities to address important issues.
  9. Shows off solutions you have for clients' problems.
  10. Demonstrates the importance of having a financial advisor watching over clients' financial lives.
  11. Builds your reputation as a thorough advisor.
  12. Gives clients attention—the kind they can appreciate.
  13. Shows you're a results-oriented advisor.
  14. Reinforces accountability: We've all got stuff to stay on top of, and your job is to help them figure that out.
  15. Reflects well on your competence and reinforces clients' confidence in you.
  16. Keeps you focused on your clients' goals of achieving prosperity and financial security.

Turn $297 Into $5,000—Or More

Every marketing effort you undertake should include a frequent analysis of your return on investment (ROI).

It's a critical approach to running your business, and as an entrepreneur in the financial services industry, I encourage you to apply an ROI analysis to all that you do. So consider this…

Take our urging to heart and bolster your 4th Quarter client service and prospecting strategy starting today. Do the Last-Chance Financial Planning Checklist Campaign.

Follow all directions, tips, insights, templates, and procedures we've pulled together for you. And then look at your ROI in terms of your use of the Last-Chance Checklist Campaign

For the small investment of $297 ($247 for Master, Advisor/Client and Advisor/CPA members), plus shipping, you're getting a game plan that will lead to:

Increased loyalty and referrals.Beefing up your end-of-year client service by getting in front of clients with the Last-Chance Financial Planning Checklist further cements your connection to your clients. It's a terribly important activity that also sets you up for more referrals. Your $297 ($247 for Master, Advisor/Client and Advisor/CPA members) investment in the Checklist Campaign is like buying a small insurance policy on client loyalty. Again, consider the ROI.

New clients. If you increase the number of smart communications you have with clients and prospects each year, you're increasing the number of opportunities you have to convert new prospects to new clients. How much is that worth? A typical new account average is $100,000 (and I know many, many advisors whose typical new account average is vastly higher). You can do your own math for your situation. But I'm certain you'll find a very good ROI from the $297 ($247 for Master, Advisor/Client and Advisor/CPA members) it costs to get the 2023 Last-Chance Financial Planning Checklist.

Marketing discipline.If there's one key message to share with you about the Checklist Campaign, it is this: By doing this campaign, and others like it, regularly, you're honing your skills and building the supporting marketing infrastructure within your business and team.

You're adding a very valuable asset to your business—core competency in a profitable and effective marketing strategy. The plan to do it, the 2023 Last-Chance Financial Planning Checklist Campaign, is just a $297  ($247 for Master, Advisor/Client and Advisor/CPA members) investment.

Reduced stress.Let's face it: Clients are very, very antsy these days. Returns are low. Risk is high. The retirement clock is ticking. So it helps in a very meaningful way when clients hear from you in an end-of-the year client service campaign like this one. People want to know their advisor is looking out for them. The price of reduced stress? $297—or just $4.41 a day for the 4th Quarter.

Meaningful 2023. The Checklist Campaign is designed to trigger interactions between you and your clients and prospects. It's meant to give you a chance to identify issues and solve problems before they get too big or worrisome. So it's a chance for you to connect, again, on a deep, professional level. It's why you're in the business, right?

10 Things to Do With Your Checklist

  1. Hand out the Checklist in meetings with clients and prospects.
  2. Promote your campaign in local news outlets and include a copy with your press release.
  3. Send hard copy Checklist to all or some of your clients.
  4. Do a special mailing to your top prospects.
  5. Post the PDF Checklist to your LinkedIn page.
  6. Add the Checklist to your website.
  7. Tweet about your campaign and link to your Checklist.
  8. Hand out the Checklist at local networking meetings.
  9. Add it to your marketing kit.
  10. Send copies to your COI list.

Don't Miss This Opportunity—Order Your Checklist Campaign Today

I urge you to launch an end-of-the-year Checklist Campaign today and guarantee for yourself that you and your clients will finish the year in a strong, forward-looking position.

It just has so many positives built in for your business and really no serious down sides.

It helps you grow your business. It boosts your confidence in your own business and your clients' confidence in the value they're receiving from you.

It makes you a better advisor.

So please take advantage of this time-limited, low-risk-opportunity.

You deserve all the benefits enjoyed by top advisors who've mastered the art of connecting with clients throughout the year.

And now is an ideal time to get the campaign organized and set for the 4th Quarter. Go ahead and order your Checklist Campaign now.

Order Your Branded Last-Chance Financial Planning Checklist for 2023 and Enjoy These Key Features:

  1. Instant, branded PDF—Share it right now
  2. Printed, branded cards—Mail/hand out through the fall
  3. Step-by-step Marketing toolkit to guide you and your team

Get 100 personalized copies of the Last-Chance Checklist, plus PDF, and complete campaign toolkit, for just $297

The Last-Chance Financial Planning Checklist—Risk-Free GUARANTEE

100% satisfaction guaranteed

Advisors who regularly communicate with their clients and demonstrate that they're thinking ahead and monitoring potential new developments in clients' lives enjoy greater success than advisors who don't. That's why I urge you to conduct the Last-Chance Financial Planning Checklist Campaign this fall. And that's why I can make this guarantee: 

Use the Last-Chance Financial Planning Checklist Campaign as your chief guide for developing a 4th Quarter client and prospect campaign. Use it for 90 days and follow all the campaign instructions. After 90 days, if you don't feel that your Last-Chance Checklist Campaign satisfied you and your clients, we'll completely refund 100% of your purchase price—guaranteed. Just call and tell us: Phone: 212-343-8760, Ext. 1.

About Horsesmouth

Since 1997, Horsesmouth has been helping financial advisors succeed by providing timely guidance on key topics such as business development, practice management, financial planning and investment strategies.


FOR INSTANT SERVICE: Call Toll Free: 1-888-336-6884 ext. 1
(Outside U.S.): 1-212-343-8760


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