
Federal Stimulus Actions Are Complex Yet Critical! Send Your Custom "CARES Act Key Data Card" to Clients, Prospects, Attorneys, CPAs, and Others…

  • Available in PDF or print version
  • Branded with photo and logo
  • FINRA-reviewed

Dear Advisor,

By now everyone knows that we are living in unprecedented times. Unemployment is at historic levels even as economies begin to “open up” again after the near-total economic shutdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Fewer people understand all that the federal government has done through a variety of stimulus actions meant to bolster the economy and put more money in the pockets of Americans.

You need to know the details so you can help clients and prospects find relief and planning opportunities.

We know it’s a lot—the changes affect everything from tax deadlines to retirement accounts, from mortgage payments to student loans. That’s why we’ve compiled all the key federal stimulus actions into one helpful card.

Chances are your clients and prospects are affected by some if not all of these relief provisions. And some may be in dire need of the help. But they don’t know if they qualify. Now, we can’t fit everything on one card, but we can tell them what they need to know so that they call YOU for more information.

Communication is more important now than ever. Your clients need to know that you care about them and are watching over more than just the stock market. They want to hear from you on a regular basis. What better way than telling them about economic relief they are entitled to?

Clients, prospects, and COIs will love the CARES Act Key Data because it's simple and easy to comprehend at a glance. It organizes by subject what federal stimulus measures have been enacted:

  • Stimulus Check Details
  • Tax Deadlines Extended
  • Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
  • Families First Coronavirus Response Act
  • Social Security and Medicare
  • Retirement-Related Provisions
  • Individual Relief
  • Small Business Relief

CARES Act Key Data Card

Click Here For A Branded Sample of CARES Act Key Data Card

Order Your Branded "CARES Act Key Data" Cards and Enjoy These Three Features:

  1. Instant, branded PDF—Share it right now.
  2. Printed, branded cards—Mail/hand out all year.
  3. Updated, branded PDF to share throughout the year—Email it if or when Congress changes rules or new interpretations arise. (We'll alert you to changes.)

So go ahead now and take your first, easy step to including CARES Act Key Data as part of your client communication program during this crisis period.

7 Reasons to Give Clients CARES Act Key Data

  1. Because you're the expert. People are looking for authoritative information about federal stimulus actions, not just media speculation. This shows you know what you're talking about.
  2. Because every individual and business is affected. We are all in this together. ALL your clients and prospects are hungry for information.
  3. Because there is no easy answer to the question, "What's in it for me?" This handout gives clients the basics to begin thinking about how their savings and distribution plans should change, but reinforces the idea that they need to come to you to thoroughly review their situations.
  4. Because it's a good "marketing touch." Pop a copy of the card in the mail, along with a cover letter, to let your clients know you are thinking of them. They'll be impressed with your thoughtfulness. We’re all looking for more of non-virtual materials right now.
  5. Because it's a perfect handout. Share the PDF with clients and prospects at webinars or virtual meetings where you need or want helpful material to share with others.
  6. Because it demonstrates your commitment to keeping clients abreast of important information regarding economic and political changes. And when people know you're committed to them and to your profession, it promotes loyalty and referrals.
  7. Because it opens the door to larger conversations. Many of your clients may be rethinking retirement plans or worrying about the future. This gives you the opportunity to start a conversation and demonstrate your empathy and concern.

So go ahead now and take your first, easy step to including CARES Act Key Data as part of your client communication program throughout the year.


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